Tuesday 24 February 2009


A few years ago I went to see Kimya Dawson play in a pub in Leeds. Strand of Oaks' were supporting and, to be honest, I don't remember a great deal about their set, but I was impressed enough to pick up a copy of the EP they had on sale which later revealed itself to be absolutely stunning. I have revisited it sporadically over the last few years it and it has never ceased to be one of the most moving collections of songs I own.

Strand of Oaks is 'Timothy Showalter & friends' and his debut album 'Leave Ruin' has just been released by 'La Société Expéditionnaire,' who have this to say about it:

'While escaping a relationship gone worse, Showalter returned home to a house burned down, leaving all of his earthly possessions charred in flames. Spending nights in downtown hotels and on park benches with a borrowed guitar, he began to face the proverbial demons. Like any good roller coaster ride there came an upside, as inspiration grew like weeds within the rubble; songs led to shows, which led to tours of the US and UK with Jason Anderson and Kimya Dawson. Leave Ruin took shape shortly thereafter while touring and collaborating with Lou Rogai (Lewis & Clarke).

Taking cues from such luminaries as Neil Young (On the Beach era) and a burgeoning Springsteen, Showalter extends his musical gesture and searches to find modesty in the midst of confusion, addressing insecurities and settling existential debt with a simple and beautiful delivery. The personification of a Midwestern Grandfather's advice, his songs smack with hard truth and poignant severity, from child-like naivete to heart worn wisdom... sparse guitar, hammond, rhodes and wooden instruments support an atmosphere that is tender and raw, at times uncomfortable, shockingly candid, and unforgettable.'

It is indeed a subtle and beautiful record and possibly the first truly exceptional album I've heard this year. My only disappointment is the lack of new tracks, having had the bare bones of so many of these songs on the aforementioned EP for what seems to be an incredibly long time. That said, you can't really complain about the quantity when 1. the quality is so high and 2. Showalter holds down a day job as a primary school teacher, even driving the school bus for extra cash.

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